Happy Birthday Medical News!

Medical News 20 years then and now

20th_logo.inddMedical News began when the owner of a very small Bluegrass newspaper—Kentucky Medical News—asked then healthcare marketing consultant, Sandy Wensley, if she would be interested in purchasing the paper. (At the time Wensley penned a marketing column in the paper.) The year was 1992. For the next 17 years Medical News grew to become the premier healthcare newspaper in the state. Under Wensley’s helm Medical News launched the Leadership Issue, MediStar Awards and a national speaker series.

In September 2008, Wensley decided to retire and move to Charleston, S.C. She sold Medical News to Tom McMahon and Ben Keeton who she described as, “two young vibrant healthcare entrepreneurs whom I know will take the publication and the events to even greater heights.”

New Leadership
Tom McMahon and Ben Keeton first met in 2003 where they were the first two employees at the Health Enterprises Network. By 2006, Keeton had moved to Atlanta and McMahon continued working in Louisville on other business ventures. They reconnected when McMahon’s client at the state asked if he could start a new organization (Kentucky BioAlliance), a challenge he knew was ideal for Keeton.

When Wensley called McMahon and Keeton to say she wanted to sell her business to them. McMahon and Keeton decided to become partners and purchased Medical News less than 30 days before the start of the great recession. What they lacked in newspaper publishing experience they made up for with their passion for healthcare, resourcefulness, eagerness to learn and desire to try something new.

Under the leadership of McMahon and Keeton, Medical News flourished. It underwent a re-design in 2009. New issues such as the Legislative Issue and Healthcare Education Resources Supplement were produced and the web site medicalnews.md, blog, events calendar, Facebook page and twitter account were launched. The paper introduced new departments such as MediStar: Where are the now? (which checks in with former MediStar Award winners), Healthcare Innovation and Physician Spotlight. In March 2010 a sister publication, Medical News For You, geared towards healthcare consumers was born. It also increased its staff from two to eight.

Future Looks Bright
As Medical News grows, it remains the leading source for the healthcare business community to stay informed, grow their businesses and build relationships around important issues. For the last 20 years the Medical News team has provided readers with a unique blend of industry news, features, commentaries and other cutting-edge topics affecting the success of today’s healthcare industry professional. It will continue to do so for the next 20 years.

Happy Birthday, Medical News!


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