In Every Language opens New York office

In Every Language, a Louisville-based language services provider offering translating, interpreting, and localization in over 170 languages opened a New York City office Monday, May 7th. Translation project management and quality control will be supervised out of Brooklyn; interpreting project management will continue to be run out of In Every Language’s Louisville headquarters.

“While Louisville has a lot to offer as far as interpreting goes, New York has a better talent pool for translation project management,” says CEO Terena Bell. “Because of the many translation companies already in the area, the best of the best currently work in New York. By meeting talented project managers where they are, we’re able to better work with them and to ensure that the best in the business truly are working for our clients.”

The new office will be directed by Hannah Berthelot, a graduate of Smith College and the Université Denis Diderot (Paris VII). Berthelot joins In Every Language after working with Bender & Partner Language Services in Paris, France.

In addition to providing a greater talent pool from which to hire, a New York office also provides In Every Language greater opportunities to meet face-to-face with clients, as many Fortune 500’s have offices either in the New York area or in cities that are accessible via direct flight from New York airports.


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