Leading Cancer Advocacy Organizations Applaud Congressman Guthrie for His Support of the Medicare Multi-Cancer Early Detection Screening

Rep. Brett Guthrie (KY-02) recently pledged his support for the Medicare Multi-Cancer Early Detection Screening Coverage Act (H.R. 1946) and signed on as a co-sponsor of this important legislation. This bill would ensure seniors have Medicare coverage for innovative cancer screenings once they are approved by the Food and Drug Administration. Kentucky’s leading cancer advocacy organizations applaud Rep. Guthrie for his commitment to increasing access to lifesaving cancer advancements for some of Kentucky’s most vulnerable citizens. 

“We’re grateful to have Rep. Guthrie as a champion of the Multi-Cancer Early Detection Screening Coverage Act,” said Amanda Smart, Executive Director at the Colon Cancer Prevention Project.  “While we know early detection of cancer saves lives, there are only a handful of cancers with routine screenings – and multi-cancer early detection technology holds the powerful promise to reduce late-stage cancer diagnoses.” 

By combining the latest advances in genomic sequencing and computing power, multi-cancer early detection tests have shown the ability to find many hidden cancers from a simple blood draw. This is a significant step forward in the fight against cancer, as increasing early-stage diagnoses will enable a wider range of successful treatment options and improve healthcare outcomes. The Medicare Multi-Cancer Early Detection Screening Coverage Act will add coverage of these cancer screenings for Medicare beneficiaries – who, often, are primarily over the age of 65 and at a higher risk for cancer. 

The American Cancer Society estimates that there will be over 30,000 new cancer cases in Kentucky this year alone and that cancer will take the lives of more than 600,000 Americans nationwide. Access to multi-cancer early detection technology is critical to reducing these staggering statistics.

“If we don’t bring H.R. 1946 to passage in 2022, we’re missing out on widespread access to the necessary tools to catch cancer in earlier and more treatable stages,” said Amanda Smart, Executive Director at the Colon Cancer Prevention Project. “It’s critical to create a coverage pathway, sooner rather than later, as thousands of Kentuckians are counting on lifesaving, innovative cancer care every day. We’re proud of Rep. Guthrie’s steadfast commitment to ending the war on cancer, and we’re confident in his efforts to help bring this legislation across the finish line.” 
