Healthcare Fellows: Session 4 recap

The Health Enterprises Network (HEN) Healthcare Fellows cohort continued sessions virtually in May due to the COVID-19 crisis. The session included a presentation from Cara Silletto, President and Chief Retention Officer at Crescendo Strategies, exploring how to reduce unnecessary employee turnover.

Silletto discussed COVID-19 specific challenges, such as engaging new hires who are working from home and gaining trust from furloughed employees after they return to work. Silletto also discussed bridging generational gaps and making managers more effective in their roles.

Medical News asked Healthcare Fellows Dale Clemons, Vanessa Garrett and Marisa Tichenor a few questions about the program.

Dale Clemons, Founder, myHealthyUS and HealthGenie Holdings


Why did you want to be a Healthcare Fellow? To engage with other accomplished leaders in the healthcare field and broaden my view of the industry as it evolves.

Describe one takeaway from Cara Silletto’s session. I was impacted by the many examples of how old and outdated management habits continue to plague and burden the industry. Some if simple insights Cara offered can be big game changers.

Vanessa Garrett, JD, System VP Compliance and Audit, Norton Healthcare


Why did you want to be a Healthcare Fellow? I wanted to be a Fellow to learn more about the multiple healthcare focused businesses and organizations in Louisville; develop business relationships with healthcare professionals; as well as learn and grow professionally from the experience.

Describe one takeaway from Cara Silletto’s session. In wake of COVID-19, companies that are more flexible in terms of working from home or work hours are going to win out in recruiting some talent.  COVID has opened the workforce’s eyes to what is possible—it is possible to work from home and be as productive, and in some cases more productive, as being physically in the office.  The workforce will likely expect more flexibility from employers.

Marisa Tichenor, Director of Client Management, Humana


Why did you want to be a Healthcare Fellow? I realized for the last two years I had been very company focused and my knowledge of the local healthcare landscape was lagging.

Describe one takeaway from Cara Silletto’s session. To retain top performers, we need to be ready for the changes in the workplace resulting from the COVID-19 pandemic including offering permanent work-at-home flexibility, managing remote teams effectively and finding better ways to track and measure productivity. We will also see some of the current business practices and hierarchical structures change as millennials enter the workforce in huge numbers. The millennial mindset is different than the GenX’s and Baby Boomer’s mindset, and this will influence how we conduct business within our company and with our customers.


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