NAMI Update

Congress Expected to Pass Short-Term Budget Resolution
The new federal fiscal year begins next week and Congress has yet to pass any of the 12 spending bills for 2016. While a government shutdown is possible starting October 1st, Congress is expected to pass a short-term continuing resolution (CR) to keep the government operating through early December at 2015 levels.
In the meantime there is the hope that congressional leaders and President Obama can come to an agreement on overall discretionary spending levels, known as budget caps. Currently the budget caps limit spending on important investments including mental illness research, mental health services and supportive housing.
It is critical that the current budget caps be lifted to allow for long overdue increases in funding for priorities such as $2 billion for research at the National Institutes of Health (NIH)–including $78 million for the National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH).
9 States Saw the Need for Suicide Prevention Bills in 2015
September is National Suicide Prevention Month and in honor of this important topic we offer a sneak peek at our 2015 State Legislation Report with bills that passed to help prevent suicide.
Tens of thousands of Americans lose their lives to suicide every year. More young adults aged 15-24 die by suicide than anything else with the exception of accidents.
States addressed the fact that suicide is the 10th leading cause of death in the United States by passing bills requiring training to recognize early warning signs of suicide and intervene effectively. Most of the bills focused on training  mental health professionals and school personnel.
Bright Spot: NAMI On Campus Clubs
NAMI On Campus clubs at the University of Nebraska, Duke University, Florida State University and the University of Virginia have been in the media recently. These young advocates are busy raising awareness about mental health and the need for services while helping other students learn about campus based supports.
We are proud to have them as NAMI Advocates.