Features articles

Life sciences conversation

Kentucky biotech executives discuss their industry’s growth potential, challenges and successes. by Melanie Wolkoff Wachsman Biotechnology is one of the fastest growing industries in the United States, and Kentucky is to thank. It’s no secret that over the past decade Kentucky has invested heavily in biotechnology. The successful “Bucks for Brains” program, which matches public

The new cloud over the future of personalized medicine

The effect that the Mayo decision will ultimately have on healthcare and the life  sciences is unclear. by Terry L. Wright The future of personalized medicine, or the tailoring of healthcare decisions and practices to individual patients, recently became a lot cloudier. On March 20, 2012, the U.S. Supreme Court issued its decision in Mayo Collaborative Services

Why Owensboro poised to be the global center of the PMP revolution

Owensboro’s commitment to PMP’s and the life sciences is clear by Madison C. Silvert The story of how the plant-made pharmaceuticals (PMP) industry came to Owensboro, Ky., has been told before. It was the story of how one company knew how to manipulate tobacco into growing desired proteins, but needed help from a tobacco company

2012 MediStar finalists

We had an excellent selection of nominees and it was a very difficult decision for the judges…but here are the finalists! Winners will be announced on May 22 at the Hyatt Regency Louisville. Congratulations! The ARGI Financial Physician of the Year Award Presented to a physician who has demonstrated outstanding leadership on a local, state

There’s an app for that?

Healthcare professionals share their must-have apps. by Melanie Wolkoff Wachsman What do owners of the iPhone, Android, BlackBerry or some other smartphone have in common: A love for apps. Let’s face it, the variety and availability of smartphone applications has exploded in recent years, and it seems that everyone has a favorite. Medical News checked

Health insurance exchange on its way

Kentucky received $57.8 million grant for planning efforts. by Melanie Wolkoff Wachsman The Obama administration recently finalized a plan for new state-based markets that will offer consumers a one-stop shop for health insurance. Starting January 1, 2014 new health insurance exchanges must be up in running in every state. Is Kentucky ready? The Kentucky Cabinet
