From the Vault articles

The future of the VA Medical Center in Louisville

Medical News has a rich history of presenting news and information about the business of healthcare in Kentucky and Southern Indiana. Over the past 24 years, our staff has had the privilege of telling thousands of stories of advocacy efforts, new developments or healthcare providers making a difference in the community. Going forward, we will

Addressing physician shortage in rural areas

Certain osteopathic medical schools uniquely suited to combat this crisis, even more so than their conventional allopathic counterparts. By Ben Keeton   The Association of American Medical Colleges recently released its latest estimate of our nation’s looming doctor shortage. By 2025, America could be short more than 35,000 primary-care physicians. That’s 4,500 more than the group projected

Behavioral health: The bridge between traditional medical care and social services.

      Healthcare outcomes are determined by a range of factors. An actual medical intervention accounts for only approximately 20 percent of the variance in outcomes. Population health variables including poverty, education, employment, and housing situation account for as much as 40 percent of variance in outcomes. While the healthcare industry has traditionally prioritized

Kentuckians deserve the MOST

This year Kentucky passed legislation that established Medical Orders for Scope of Treatment (MOST).  While the Kentucky Board of Medical Licensure is finalizing specifics around the document, healthcare professionals should be preparing for how MOST differs from advanced directives and Do Not Resuscitate orders and the implications for their patients and practice. Advanced directives have

Unbridled enthusiasm

How and why Louisville became an epicenter of cardiovascular stem cell research. By Atul R. Chugh, MD As we say goodbye to events that define Louisville’s position on an international stage with celebrations such as the Kentucky Derby, Thunder over Louisville and various other arts and social happenings, I am almost embarrassed to admit that before moving here, I had no idea
