Cedar Lake’s Intermediate Care Homes in LaGrange are move-in ready


Homes offer comprehensive care, as well as a chance for residents to live in a real neighborhood.

By Jason Squires


SycRun2: Exterior of ICF/IID home at Sycamore Run. Photo courtesy of Cedar Lake.

After more than three years of research and planning and a year of construction, Cedar Lake’s two four-bed ICF/IID (Intermediate Care Facility for Individuals with Intellectual Disabilities) homes in the Sycamore Run neighborhood in LaGrange, Kentucky are nearly complete. The eight individuals who will be moving into the homes have been selected and are working with their families and staff to prepare for the transition. After a series of inspections, residents will move from a larger facility into the homes in June of 2016.

These homes are the first of their kind in the state of Kentucky and will offer nursing care, therapeutic services, and behavior and psychological support for adults with intellectual and developmental disabilities. Most importantly, these homes will provide adults who have high-intensity support needs with the opportunity to live in a neighborhood community.


SycRun1: A bathroom with lift tracking that will allow for those who have mobility issues to be lifted into the bathroom from their bedroom. Photo courtesy of Cedar Lake.

The design of the Sycamore Run ICF homes incorporates the healthcare needs of their residents, such as wider corridors, specialty bathing facilities, full mobility access, bariatric accommodations and the various background systems to allow for a safe and caring environment including a nurse call, security, fire safety and a storm proof shelter.

“Choosing the right builder who is experienced in healthcare and residential, is high quality oriented, and who also is a real team player was a key part of the success of this project, and we applaud F.W. Owens for their tremendous contribution,” said project architect Ed Eiche.

The project has been made possible by The James Graham Brown Foundation, Peyton Samuel Head/Louise Duncan Head Trust, The Robert W. Rounsavall Jr. Family Foundation, The Gheens Foundation, and The Cralle Foundation.

 -Jason Squires is vice president of Operations at Cedar Lake in LaGrange, Kentucky.
