Health News Round-up – June 22

Lexington Herald Leader
Government Health IT
Another way to put that would be the widespread telehealth that broadband will ultimately enable is “about creating large networks” of care that enable 
eHealth tweet of the day: This of course goes to @NIH_Bear: Today we see what happens when someone, however furry, challenges the mighty 
HHS report reveals data breach trends in 2011, 2012
A report summarizing protected health information breaches in the U.S. for 2011 and 2012 was recently issued by HHS to Congress. HHS found that 53% of breaches were caused by theft, and 18% were due to unauthorized data access or disclosure. In addition, the report revealed that the majority of health data compromised during those two years was stored in electronic devices such as laptop computers, network servers and desktop computers.
ConvergeHEALTH welcomes health care informatics, research group
ConvergeHEALTH’s rapid-learning network, which includes Intermountain Healthcare and Moffitt Cancer Center/M2Gen, has expanded with the recent addition of Indianapolis-based Regenstrief Institute. The network was formed to support the industry’s move toward value-based care and to help life science companies, academic institutions and providers determine more effective treatments for underserved populations.
Study finds gaps in practices’ HIPAA compliance
Data from Physicians Practice’s 2014 Technology Survey found that despite rising HIPAA violation penalties, only 31% of responding medical practices have enacted rules that govern mobile device use at work, while 61% of respondents appropriately back up data. Thirty-one percent of medical practices have performed a risk analysis, according to the findings.
Health IT developers mine data to help explain costs and care
Software developers in the health care sector are using large troves of data to give consumers access to pricing information and to help them understand procedures and services their doctors might recommend. Programmer Dave Vockell talked with seniors at a pancake restaurant and subsequently used a Medicare database to develop a website that explains procedures and costs. Meanwhile, Accordion Health is developing an application to help people estimate future health care spending.
Reider: ONC should be more flexible in EHR initiatives
ONC Deputy National Coordinator and Chief Medical Officer Dr. Jacob Reider said during a health IT symposium this week that the ONC wants to become more flexible in its EHR programs and move away from requiring a specific set of quality measures. Possible approaches could include giving providers credit for quality improvement programs they develop. “This is going to take us a while to make this turn, but it is a very important turn,” Reider said
App allows patients to check physician payment, procedure info
Developers have created an application known as BetterDoctor that lets patients search for and compare physicians based on Medicare pricing data, procedure information and data on referrals
More health groups see value of clinical business intelligence
Some 95% of the more than 1,000 health care experts participating in a recent AHIMA survey said they think high-value information is crucial for enhancing care quality and patient safety. This trend comes as analytics gradually moves from business intelligence to clinical care.
HIT use could help enhance health outcomes in U.S.
A Commonwealth Fund report that showed that 10 other industrialized countries surpassed the U.S. in health outcomes also notes that the U.S. could still catch up with its peers through continued and rapid health IT adoption because that will enhance the ability of U.S. doctors to determine, oversee and coordinate care for patients, especially those with chronic conditions. The report also said that all the countries that outperformed the U.S. are earlier adopters of health technologies
Mostashari’s startup to help providers form ACOs
A startup called Aledade was unveiled by former National Health IT Coordinator Dr. Farzad Mostashari to offer a platform to independent primary care doctors that they can use to form or join accountable care organizations. The platform includes tools to help users connect to patients, understand regulations, optimize EHR use and gather performance reports. “[H]ealth IT was never the ‘ends,’ but a ‘means’ to better health and better care, and I continue to believe that better data and technology is the key to a successful transformation of health care,” Mostashari wrote in an Aledade blog post.
2 Ohio providers to exchange laboratory data
Lima Memorial Health System and St. Rita’s Medical Center are collaborating to allow their staff to exchange lab records electronically. Both providers use the CliniSync health information exchange system, but the partnership will speed up data sharing, with data from Lima Memorial being directly integrated into St. Rita’s system, said Dr. Herbert Schumm, president of St. Rita’s Professional Services


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Ben Keeton

Publisher at Medical News
Ben is the publisher of Medical News and focuses on the business of healthcare in Kentucky.
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