Healthcare Fellows kicks off opening session

David Henley JD, VP & Chief Compliance Officer at Passport Health Plan and Board Chair of the Health Enterprises Network.

The Health Enterprises Network (HEN) Fellows cohort kicked off their opening session in February with a presentation on leadership from HEN Board Chair, David Henley.

The Healthcare Fellows is a formal executive education program focused solely on the widely ranging business sectors of healthcare.

Healthcare Fellows meet once a month for ten months with 17 leaders from the health-related ecosystem participating.

Fellows are tasked with completing a group project that has a community or economic impact. Last month, Fellows chose their project topics and have begun work on the initial phase of each one.

Bold Goal

The April session included a presentation from Angie Wolff, director of Office of Population Health/Bold Goal and Abbie Gilbert, corporate strategy lead and chief medical officer at Humana, Inc., who discussed Humana’s Bold Goal. The session was held virtually due to the COVID-19 crisis.

Humana’s Bold Goal is a program that addresses the needs of the whole person and co-creates solutions to address social determinants and the health-related social needs for their members and communities.

The session also included information on the following projects:

AARP – The Longevity Economy Outlook: Working with AARP, Fellows will quantify the positive economic impact older adults have on the region’s economy to dispel outdated perceptions that older adults are an economic drain, and are in fact major contributors to the workforce and economy.

Alzheimer’s Association – Marketing and Communications Plan: Alzheimer’s is the sixth leading cause of death in the U.S. and there are five million Americans currently diagnosed. Fellows will develop a marketing and communications plan to help raise awareness of the Alzheimer’s Association’s support and care programs and build a leadership pipeline.

Kentucky Nurses Association – Nursing Asset Resource: The current shortage of nurses is a multifaceted dilemma that is only getting worse. Fellows will create a Kentucky Nurse Resource Book that profiles KY nurses and promotes existing areas of excellence, serve as a recruitment tool, as a place to find professional practice consults as well as platforms for research assistance and professional recognition.

Upcoming Sessions

The topic for May is “Managing Today’s Workforce: Why Your Employees Leave and How to Keep Them Longer” featuring Cara Silletto, president and chief retention officer at Crescendo Strategies.

The topic for June is “Economic Development: Leveraging Industry Expertise to Fill the Business Attraction Pipeline” featuring John Launius, director of Regional Economic Development at Greater Louisville, Inc (GLI).


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