Healthcare Innovation Exchange

Health_Innovation_logo_spotSince March 2008 the Louisville Angel Investor Network has served as a well-respected forum for its members to learn about investment opportunities in innovative, entrepreneurial companies and meet with the leadership of those companies. For the entrepreneurs, our group has served as a reliable source of capital, connections and expert advice those companies need in order to grow.

Beginning in February 2014 the group will expand to include The Healthcare Innovation Exchange (HIE). We write to invite you to learn more about the group and attend the next meeting as our guest.

As a part of the Louisville Angel Investor Network, HIE will not only focus on investment opportunities, but will also offer the opportunity for presenting companies to find joint ventures or other partnerships that yield the capital and customers they need. Additionally, the group will serve as an expert forum to discuss and raise awareness around issues that impact innovation in the business of health.

HIE will focus on investment, joint venture and partnership opportunities in two primary areas:

  • Health-related businesses – a wide range of concepts from healthcare services to life sciences and medical products which are either business to business or business to consumer oriented.
  • Business services and products – this is a broad area that includes products and services that are or could be consumed by a health related company.

The goal of this expansion is to continue to provide our members with excellent investment opportunities by focusing on an industry with a strong economic and innovation base in Louisville.  In addition, the HIE will help health-related concepts garner investment capital, corporate partnerships and customers.

As part of this expansion, HIE is partnering with Medical News which will highlight the presenting companies and their leaders. As part of this partnership, Medical News will increase coverage of news and information on Kentucky’s unique, innovative health-related economy.  
