Ivy Tech to Host “Building a Culture of Healthcare Excellence”

Ivy Tech Community College Southern Indiana will host “Building a Culture of Healthcare Excellence” in the Louisville area on August 8. The program is offered by Disney Institute.

The one-day program is open to healthcare professionals in Kentucky and Indiana.

Program costs are $379 for early bird registration and $399 for registration after that date. Discounts are available for Ivy Tech employees, students and alumni. Ivy Tech students, staff, faculty and alumni can register for $359 for early bird registration. Employers who register five or more people pay $359 each for early bird registration or $379 each after early bird registration ends. Early bird registration concludes July 15.

What you will learn
Learn the five most powerful Disney philosophies – leadership excellence, people management, quality service, brand loyalty and creativity and innovation. These lessons have been carefully developed by the Disney organization. These universal assets of a successful business are the links in Disney’s “Chain of Excellence,” and attendees will learn how these key insights have been applied in the healthcare industry.

Participants hear how, by inspiring leaders and motivating employees, they can enable them to satisfy patients and their families. This organizational environment will create transformative patient and employee relationships that consistently exceed expectations and drive a reputation for excellence – and help develop a continued competitive edge for your healthcare organization.


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