LHCC, Aging2.0 partner to accelerate aging innovation

The Louisville Healthcare CEO Council (LHCC) announced a strategic partnership with Aging2.0, the largest global innovation platform focused on aging. Highlighting their shared mission to accelerate innovation and recognizing Louisville as the home to titans of the healthcare aging innovation industry, Aging2.0 is moving its international headquarters into LHCC’s new Corporate Innovation Center in Louisville, Kentucky.

Considering the global pandemic, LHCC and Aging2.0 are launching their partnership by co-hosting a Global Innovation Search for innovations that address social isolation and loneliness for older adults.

“This partnership is a natural one,” said LHCC Board Chair and Kindred Healthcare CEO Benjamin Breier. “Aging2.0 and LHCC are both organizations committed to finding systems solutions.” “By connecting the LHCC corporate healthcare titans and their business challenges to an active network of innovators dedicated to the aging innovation space, we are changing the healthcare conversation about aging from being about challenges to being about opportunities,” added Tammy York Day, LHCC President and CEO.

The Global Innovation Search, which kicked off in late May, provides an opportunity for innovators around the world to showcase their product or service and compete for international exposure. Aging2.0 and LHCC are searching for innovations that help keep older adults connected to their communities, families, healthcare providers and vital information.

Innovators interested in participating in the Global Innovation Search can learn more about the program and submit their application at aging2.com/gis. The deadline to apply is June 15

“The global pandemic is hitting the older adult population the hardest, not only from a risk and mortality perspective, but also in the way it is exacerbating isolation and loneliness due to social distancing” said Katy Fike, co-founder of Aging2.0. “The stakes are high and the need is urgent. If you are an innovator with a solution, we want to hear about it,” Fike added.


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