Local health charities recognize outstanding volunteers at the 15th Annual Champions in Health Awards Celebration

On Tuesday, March 13, 31 local health charities joined together to recognize their most dedicated volunteers at the 15th Annual Champions in Health Awards Celebration.

The highest honor of the evening went to E. Joseph Steier III, President and CEO of Signature Health CARE, LLC. He was presented with the 2012 Champion in Health Leadership Award for his commitment to push the healthcare industry to pursue higher standards of care.For 15 years, Community Health Charities of Kentucky has hosted the event to recognize those who have served as advocates for health and wellness in the community. Cheri Hauber was also honored as a dedicated advocate for Ovarian Awareness of Kentucky and an ovarian cancer survivor.

She was named OAK’s Volunteer of the Year for her tireless efforts to educate women on the importance of knowing their family medical history and the signs and symptoms of ovarian cancer.

Hauber also works with future healthcare professionals through the Survivors Teaching Students program at the University of Louisville and University of Kentucky. The program exists to increase the students’ understanding of ovarian cancer risk factors and symptoms in hopes that they will be able to diagnose the disease in its earliest and most treatable stages.

Hauber is committed to educating others through her own experience with cancer and urges all women to listen to their bodies, look for subtle clues and remain persistent with their doctors. “Don’t stop until you are satisfied,” Hauber said.

Every year, it takes 60,000 volunteers to provide the help and hope CHC offers to over 400,000 Kentuckians living with chronic and acute health conditions.
