Meet Monalisa Tailor, MD, the newly elected president of GLMS


Hometown: Bowling Green, Kentucky

Family: My parents still live in Bowling Green. I have a large extended family living throughout the United States, Canada, South Africa, the United Kingdom and India.

Hobbies: Trivia nights, running and craft projects.

Education: University of Kentucky, Bachelor of Science in Political Science 2006; University of Louisville, Doctor of Medicine 2010

Three words my coworkers use to describe me: Cheery, smiling and thoughtful.

Three items on my desk: A handmade picture holder from a co-worker affectionately referred to as “Elsa” with the Disney character “Moana”, Claude Monet statue and thank you cards from patients.

Outside the office, you’ll likely find me: There’s a global pandemic going on. I’ll be at home social distancing on a Zoom meeting, walking to get some exercise and getting take-out to support our local businesses.

Favorite vacation spot: Washington DC and Disney World

Current position: Internal Medicine at Norton Community Medical Associates: Barret

Medical News: First, congratulations on being named president of GLMS! What are your goals for your term?

Monalisa Tailor: In this age of COVID-19, physicians must continue to adjust to the new normal of COVID-19 by setting an example, wearing a mask, physical distancing, having patients wait in their cars and using Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) to protect ourselves.

We must advocate for the practice of medicine and our patients to continue telehealth, continue for better access to better pricing for medications, and continue to work on making modifications to ensure PPE and testing for COVID-19. Lastly, we must care and empower ourselves as physicians so we can empower our patients together.

MN: You talked about heroes in your installation speech – who are your heroes in healthcare?

MT: Dr. Ann Shaw. A mentor from medical school/residency. Dr. Shaw was a dental hygienist before she went back to medical school. She is one of the hardest working people I know who overcame adversity and who was able to make a difference for her patients. She is an excellent physician and leader, and through her journey, she has made a difference to make medical education better. She is currently Vice Dean of Undergraduate Education at the University of Louisville.

Dr. Mary Barry. One of my partners who was a nurse before she went back to medical school. She was in practice for over 30 years and took care of her patients in the hospital and in the clinic. She took care of her patients like members of her family and was always up to date on the latest medical literature. She is an incredible lady.

Dr. Anthony Fauci. I have known who Dr. Fauci is before I ever knew what he looked like. The best book on internal medicine is Harrison’s Internal Medicine which provides extensive information about every possible diagnosis and how to think of it and work it up. The name on the side of the book is Fauci. I learned later in my career that it is Dr. Anthony Fauci. He is the epitome of a public servant, serving his country for over 50 years. He is also on the forefront of all viral research for the last 40 years.

MN: Why did you become a doctor and why did you choose internal medicine?

MT: I loved every single rotation in medical school for different reasons. But I knew I wanted to take care of the whole patient, help think about their whole situation, and find a solution. Internal medicine was an opportunity to be Sherlock Holmes.

MN: What is the biggest misconception about your field?

MT: That we can take care of children like family medicine physicians, but we cannot. That we can do procedures in the office like family medicine physicians, but we cannot. We are physicians who have specialized in each organ system in the body which gives us a unique perspective.

MN: What is the one thing you wish patients knew and/or understood about doctors?

MT: We are human. Right now, during a global pandemic, please be patient with us as we are trying to get back to you as soon as we can. There is a lot going on, and kindness will go a long way.

MN: What is the best advice you ever received? Who gave it to you?

MT: My grandfather immigrated to America at the age of 50, he had only made it through a few years of elementary school. He was a man of faith and of wisdom. My grandfather once told me if you are going to do something, do it because it means something to you and do it right. I have learned from that and only get involved in things that are meaningful and impactful to me.


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