Spencerian College receives $20,000 grant of medical equipment from Hill-Rom

Students will use equipment for classroom instruction, training
Spencerian College has been awarded an education grant by Hill-Rom, a leading worldwide manufacturer and provider of medical technologies and equipment, for $20,000 worth of respiratory medical equipment that will be used in classroom instruction and training.
The devices Spencerian College will receive from Hill-Rom are:
  • The Vest Airway Clearance machine, which is designed to improve patients breathing by clearing airways of retained secretions that, if not removed, may lead to increased rates of respiratory infection, hospitalization and reduced lung function.
  •  The MetaNeb System, which is used to mobilize secretions, expand a patient’s lungs and treat and prevent collapsed lungs.
“We are extremely grateful to Hill-Rom for awarding this grant to Spencerian College,” said Shannon Terry, Respiratory Therapy Program Director at Spencerian College. “We actually borrowed a Vest Airway Clearance machine in the past so we could show our students how it worked, so we are very excited to be getting our own.”
Terry said by actually using advanced medical devices students learn to not only administer and understand treatments but also get a true feel for the patient’s experience.
“We can put the vest on our students and they can feel what it does to walls of the chest and how it can impact and improve breathing,” she said. “This is a very vital and popular piece of medical equipment that is used on everyone from toddlers to the elderly, so it’s very important for our students to learn how to use it as well as to understand how it really works.”