Tag Archives: care

Owensboro Health works to improve care for seniors by not treating them like younger, middle-aged adults.

Owensboro Health works to improve care for seniors by not treating them like younger, middle-aged adults.

  We sat down with Bill Bryant, MD, vice president and chief quality and patient safety officer at Owensboro Health to learn more about the programs and services offered. Medical News: Owensboro Health provides a number home and community-based programs, such as the Healthpark, Home Care Services and the Wound Care Center. While they likely

Critical Care Survivors Clinic at UK helps ICU patients navigate the confusing and often frustrating matrix of post-discharge follow up care.

  Darrell Raikes waved sleepily to his wife as they wheeled him down to the operating room for a routine knee replacement last May. He woke up in the Critical Care Unit four weeks later. Raikes had an adverse reaction to his anesthesia and began bleeding into his lungs post-operatively. Ashley Montgomery, MD, Raikes’ critical

Integrated preventive care means better oral health outcomes for kids.

According to the recent article “Offering Oral Health Services in Your Office” in Family Practice Management, family practitioners have been addressing children’s oral health for years. But, there is a lack of guidelines for physicians to effectively incorporate oral health services into their primary care practices. To help with this, the article offers suggestions for better

Medicare Advantage

  A lot has been said about healthcare consolidation, and it’s time to sort through a central misperception about health plan mergers. Let’s start with Medicare Advantage. Medicare Advantage is designed to bring private sector competition to Medicare to deliver better value and greater choice for beneficiaries. That is why last week’s report from the

Louisville Innovation Summit re-imagines aging

The aging care industry is faced with a wealth of opportunities and challenges as our population grows older. According to the US Census Bureau, the percentage of Americans over age 60 will more than double from 1970 to 2050, and the UN Population Division anticipates that 20 percent of the people in the world will

Caring for our elders

    A nurse practitioner friend of mine recently posted on Facebook that she was “convinced ICD-10 was developed by terrorists trying to make healthcare providers insane. What ever happened to patient care?” As an attorney, I jokingly commented that the over-regulation of healthcare providers is actually good for my profession! But then a question
