Tag Archives: cdc

Zika: Protecting our patients and ourselves

  In 2015, Zika went from a footnote in virology to the forefront of international media with reports of microcephaly in newborns from Brazil. Causality was firmly established in May between Zika infection during pregnancy and fetal neurological defects by the Centers for Disease Control (CDC). Symptoms and Treatment Zika was first identified in Uganda

AHA’s top 10 advances in 2012 research

Promising basic science, new devices, improved protocols and prevention hold the potential to upgrade outcomes. By Cindy Sanders The science, basic understanding and treatment protocols of cardiovascular disease and stroke have come light years in a matter of decades. Yet, heart disease remains the number one killer of both men and women in America and

Mass immunization drill to take place at UofL Health Sciences Center Campus

WHAT: The University of Louisville will stage a mass immunization drill Tuesday, July 31 to test an emergency preparedness plan developed by Ruth Carrico, associate professor, UofL School of Medicine, division of infectious diseases, and her team. Beginning at noon, nearly 50 UofL School of Nursing students will be notified electronically every 15 minutes to staff

University of Louisville study dispels concerns about drive-thru flu clinics

Critics have pointed to fainting risks and subsequent auto accidents as reasons for concern when using drive-thru influenza immunization clinics, according to Ruth Carrico, PhD, RN, FSHEA, CIC, associate professor, division of infectious diseases, University of Louisville School of Medicine. A review conducted by Carrico and UofL faculty W. Paul McKinney, MD, FACP, Timothy Wiemkan,
