Tag Archives: legislative priorities 2018

American Cancer Society outlines legislative priorities

Expanding access to palliative care top goal. By: Lori Earnshaw, MD, Turner West and Kristy Young The need to improve serious illness care is particularly exigent in Kentucky because of our high prevalence of cancer and other serious illnesses and with the aging of the population. The Center to Advance Palliative Care defines palliative care as specialized care for people living with serious

Hosparus Health lays out legislative priorities

Lessen regulatory burden while maximizing person-centered care. By Gwen Cooper The 2018 Kentucky General Assembly is right around the corner. And while the headlines are already focused on pension and tax reform, there will be continued emphasis placed on healthcare issues important to the Commonwealth. As one of our states largest nonprofit medical providers delivering advanced illness and end of life care to over 1100 patients and families

KMA develops legislative priorities

Reduce barriers to care, improve practice of medicine in the Commonwealth. By Cory Meadows Despite the Kentucky General Assembly’s emphasis on politically charged topics such as the budget and pension reform, it is undeniable that healthcare will always remain a matter for conversation in Frankfort. The Kentucky Medical Association (KMA) is once again prepared to be a leader in that discussion and advocate for the practice of medicine in 2018.
