Tag Archives: prescription

Fighting to protect Medicare

  By Ron Bridges AARP Kentucky has just launched a campaign to let Congress know we oppose any plan to increase Medicare costs and risk for seniors and today’s workers. We believe Kentuckians have earned Medicare by paying in with each and every paycheck. Proposals to turn Medicare into a voucher system would take healthcare

Efforts to enhance prescription drug pricing transparency gaining traction

      Driven in part by retroactive fees imposed upon pharmacies by pharmacy benefit managers (PBMs) and compounded by recent high profile cases of significant price increases for relatively common drugs, both retail and institutional pharmacies have continued to push for enhanced prescription drug pricing transparency. Recent state and federal legislation, as well as lawsuits

Regulating prescription drugs

The sweeping proposals outlined in Secretary Clinton’s plan to regulate prescription drug prices would restrict patients’ access to medicines, result in fewer new treatments for patients, cost countless jobs across the country and could end our nation’s standing as the world leader in biomedical innovation. Researchers and scientists across the biopharmaceutical industry have dedicated their lives to

Keeping Kentuckians alive: It’s time to increase access to emergency care and treatment for opiate overdose.

In Quincy, Mass., first responders carry kits that have saved over 200 lives since 2010, and nationwide these kits have saved more than 10,000 lives. Currently, Kentucky’s first responders cannot carry such kits – and every year Kentuckians die because of this. In North Carolina and 20 other states, laws have been enacted to encourage
