Tag Archives: resilience

Trauma and ACEs: Grant shown to mitigate impact of childhood trauma

Trauma and ACEs: Grant shown to mitigate impact of childhood trauma

By Ben Chandler Traumatic events in children’s lives can create toxic stress that has a long-term impact on their health. Toxic stress—for example, strong, frequent and prolonged adversity such as abuse, chronic neglect, caregiver substance abuse or mental illness, or exposure to violence—is not something children just “get over” without support. Two decades of research

Adverse Childhood Experiences are common, are associated with health problems as an adult

During the last 20 years, research has shown that there is a direct correlation between childhood trauma and adult illness. This childhood trauma, called Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs), can cause academic and behavioral problems. It can also lead to an increased risk for heart disease, depression, cancer, diabetes, obesity and more, if left untreated. ACEs

It’s a medical provider’s responsibility to deliver behavioral health support to patients.

  The National Institute of Mental Health estimates that 26.2 percent of Americans, or one in four people, suffer from a mental condition in any given year. When you apply the 26.2 percent to the 2004 census estimate, it affects approximately 57.7 million – a massive number of people who could benefit from mental health
