Tag Archives: rural health

Meeting behavioral health needs in rural Kentucky

Meeting behavioral health needs in rural Kentucky

By Natalie Pope Rural areas in the United States face a shortage of behavioral health practitioners. As CNN recently reported, a new study in the American Journal of Preventive Medicine found that 47-percent of non-metropolitan counties don’t have access to a psychologist. The shortage extends to psychiatrists, nurse practitioners and a cadre of behavioral health

Rural Health Roundup

U of L To Participate In New Four-State Study On Rural Health Outcomes A new study hopes to help researchers understand what causes high rates of heart, lung, blood and sleep disorders (HLBS) in rural Kentucky, Alabama, Mississippi and Louisiana. Dubbed the Risk Underlying Rural Areas Longitudinal (RURAL) study, Stephanie Boone, PhD, assistant professor, University

Kentucky Homeplace celebrates 25 years

By Kristi Willett Since its inception in 1994, Kentucky Homeplace has linked thousands of rural Kentuckians with medical, social and environmental services they otherwise might have done without. To mark the program’s 25th anniversary, a celebration is set for May 16 at the University of Kentucky Center of Excellence in Rural Health (CEHR) in Hazard.

Rural health around Ky: challenges and solutions

Access to healthcare services is critical to good health, yet rural residents in Kentucky face a variety of access barriers that limit their ability to obtain the care they need. Economic factors, cultural and social differences, educational shortcomings, sheer isolation with limited access to transportation and lack of recognition by legislators all conspire to create

Leadership program addresses health disparities in rural Kentucky

    Of the 4,436,974 people living in Kentucky, 1,833,344 (about 41 percent) live in rural areas, according to the USDA-Economic Research Services (ERS). What does it mean to be a rural area? That isn’t always easy to answer. Rural is an inexact term that can mean different things to different people, organizations and governments. 

The Role of Medicaid in Rural America

Rural areas in states that implemented Medicaid expansion to lower income adults experienced larger gains in coverage. By Julia Foutz, Samantha Artiga, and Rachel Garfield with Kaiser Family Foundation People in rural areas face unique challenges in healthcare coverage and access, including low density of providers and longer travel times to care, limited access to
