Updates sought for Kentucky Health Coalition directory

The Foundation for a Healthy Kentucky asks your help to update the Kentucky Health Coalitions Directory, a list of local groups working on health related issues in the Commonwealth.. This first revision of the 2012 directory is designed to identify additional coalitions and update group contact information. More than 140 active coalitions are listed in the Foundation’s current Kentucky Health Coalitions Directory.

“These are local residents working on solutions to health issues in their cities and towns,” said Susan Zepeda, CEO and President of the Foundation for a Healthy Kentucky. “These groups have differing levels of organization and are pursuing various goals.

The Coalitions Directory is a resource for them and allows them to connect with other groups working to make their community a healthier place to live, work, and play.”

Of the 143 coalitions in the current directory, some are increasing access to healthy food and physical activity; others are planning needed screenings and education for people at risk for serious health problems like diabetes and other chronic diseases; yet others are improving working conditions through smoke-free ordinances. These groups represent health change efforts in all of the Commonwealth’s 120 counties.

Follow the link: http://www.surveymonkey.com/s/healthykycoalitions to submit new or revised information to the Coalitions Directory. The Foundation’s aim in creating and now updating the directory is to raise awareness of these local efforts and to foster collaboration, build local capacity, provide technical assistance to these groups and celebrate their successes.



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