Community Foundation grant applications available now

For charitable organizations, putting ideas into motion takes funding. The Community Foundation of Southern Indiana wants to help organizations realize their goals and dreams with its annual fall grant cycle.

The Community Foundation invites all charitable organizations with 501 (c) (3) status in or serving Clark and Floyd counties to apply for grants. The deadline for applications is August 30. Maximum grant amount is $5,000 per organization.
An independent committee of civic and business volunteers representing both counties will submit the proposed recipients to the Foundation Board of Directors. Following board approval, recipients will be notified in late October, according to Crystal Gunther, program officer of the Community Foundation of Southern Indiana. The funds will be distributed in mid- November.

Organizations seeking a grant may download an application from the Community Foundation’s Web site, Charities that received grants last year and wish to apply must first have submitted final reports from the last grant cycle to be eligible for funds this year.

Applications will also be available at the Community Foundation’s office, 4104 Charlestown Road at I-265 in New Albany during normal business hours.

The Community Foundation has awarded more than 19 million dollars to charities and to scholarship recipients since its inception in 1991. The Community Foundation considers needs which generally fall into the following categories: arts and culture, community development, education, environment, health, human services, recreation, and youth development.


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