Passport Health Plan to continue providing Enhanced Payments to Primary Care Providers

Passport Health Plan has announced that it will create a one-year program of enhanced payments for primary care providers to replace the current federal program that is set to expire at the end of the calendar year and is not likely to be renewed.

“As part of our continued investment in primary care throughout the State of Kentucky, Passport is proud to offer this program to all of the primary care providers who participate in Passport’s network,” said Dr. Stephen Houghland, Chief Medical Officer for Passport Health Plan. “Passport is committed to driving value-based investments in care delivery. We believe that many Kentucky providers need more time and resources to make the transition from a traditional payment model to one that is more closely tied to high value care. By making the policy decision to voluntarily continue the enhanced payment for one additional year, Passport intends to aid participating providers in investing in needed resources to facilitate this transition, which we believe will have a beneficial impact to the care our members receive. ”

Under the Affordable Care Act, primary care providers have been receiving enhanced payments since 2013, but those enhanced payments are set to end on Dec. 31, 2014. This program will be available to primary care providers who are already members of the Passport Health Plan provider network and are currently receiving the PCP enhanced payment from the federal government. It will be effective January 1, 2015, with the first enhanced payment distribution from Passport projected to be in the month of April. There are no actions or additional steps required for Passport’s current participating PCPs who have been receiving the enhanced payments prior to this time.

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Ben Keeton

Publisher at Medical News
Ben is the publisher of Medical News and focuses on the business of healthcare in Kentucky.
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