Tag Archives: bluegrass.org

Bluegrass.org re-brands to New Vista

Bluegrass.org re-brands to New Vista

On July 1 of 2019, Bluegrass.org, headquartered in Lexington, Kentucky, changed its name to New Vista. This was bigger news than it may have seemed at first blush. Since 1966, the organization has been providing mental health, substance use services and intellectual and developmental disability services in Central Kentucky. And it is a large operation.

Marketing and social media in the healthcare industry

We talked to marketing and PR folks across the state to hear how they are working to effectively utilize social media to engage patients and consumers. Below are the highlights. Medical News: What is the most effective marketing strategy or trend you are seeing in healthcare marketing? Debbie Cagle Chief Marketing Officer Centerstone Strategies around

Peer support: Playing a growing role in addiction recovery

New trends are emerging in the treatment of addiction. Peer support is the next step in treating addiction like a disease. Addiction is a chronic condition like hypertension or diabetes or any other thing that needs management. Bluegrass.org is one of several organizations in the Commonwealth offering the state curriculum to train this new position

2017 Healthcare Leaders: Insights from the Physician Community

By Ben Keeton Each year, Medical News talks with healthcare leaders from across the Commonwealth to get their perspective on the changing landscape of healthcare. This year, we focused on leaders within the physician community to understand the opportunities and challenges that they face in improving healthcare across Kentucky. Leaders include: (click to view profile)
